Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Emerging Market ETFs - Narrow Range Days

Narrow range patterns come from Tony Crabbel's book, " Day Trading with Short Term Price Patterns & Opening Range Breakout". The NR4 (Narrow Range 4) and NR7 (Narrow Range 7) patterns are quite popular with short-term traders. An NR4 pattern would be the narrowest range in four days, while an NR7 would be the narrowest range in seven days.

Seems as if I have been reading a good deal lately about analysts recommending to people with a 3 to 5 year time horizon to get into emerging markets. I do not know about a 3 to 5 year horizon but here are a few ready to breakout or break down.
Studies and Statistics from Bulkowski (The pattern site):

Screen run last evening against my database of Emerging Market ETFs

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